God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 263 -

The Child Praises Salome's Love

THE SERVANTS of Salome and the aides of Cornelius and Salome and Cornelius themselves helped expedite all of Joseph's belongings.
Salome then led the group into the well furnished rooms of the homestead.
Joseph was greatly surprised at the great cleanliness which was kept in his house,
for all the beds were clean and freshly made; and the stable was also kept in the best order.
When Joseph had assured himself of how excellently Salome had provided for him in every way,
he asked her, 'Oh dear lady friend, you can plainly see that I am poor and do not have the least wealth now. How will I ever be able to repay you?'
When Salome heard this question from Joseph, she said weeping,
'Oh my truly esteemed friend! What indeed do I have, in this world which I did not receive from Him who now rests on the arms of the frail Mary?
And since it is forever true that I have received everything from Him who is with you in such an eternally marvelous way, how could I call that mine which always belonged to Him who is with you?
Oh the Lord, the Holy One from eternity, surely did not come into a strange land to us poor sinners;
instead He came into His very own from eternity - therefore we can give Him nothing.
Instead we bring Him only what belongs to Him with the strength which He has given us-
and thus every mention of a debt to me on your part is forever void, for I have already been rewarded for all eternity through the grace of the infinite, most high calling to provide for you -
and that all the more, since I feel it in the whole depth of my life that I am surely the least worthy of this holy calling!'
Here Salome could not continue speaking, so she was silent and wept in her love and joy.
At this moment the little Child awakened and became lively.
And when in a gay mood He had righted Himself on Mary's lap, He looked lovingly over toward Salome and toward Cornelius and said,
'Oh Salome, and you too, My Cornelius! See, I was asleep, but your great love has awakened Me!
Truly, that is sweet and pleasant, and thus it shall remain forever!
From now on I will sleep for everyone in my divine Essence - but whoever will come to Me with your love, for him I will remain awake forever!
Salome, go to your rest now, and bring me a good breakfast tomorrow.'
And Salome was thoroughly enchanted that she had thus heard the Lord speak for the first time. All now honored and praised God and then retired.
