God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 61 -

Maronius Makes Some Wrong Conclusions

MARONIUS PILLA was so greatly startled at this marvelous manifestation that his whole body trembled like the leaves of an aspen-tree during a great storm.
Joseph soon saw the great distress of Maronius, therefore went directly over to him and asked,
'Maronius Pilla, why do you tremble so greatly? Has anyone done you harm?'
Maronius answered Joseph, 'Oh man, you who do not have the likes of you on earth, for you it is easy - for you are a god whom all the elements must obey!
But I am only a weak mortal subject to death, whose life as well as the existence of yonder pillar rests in your hand.
With your thoughts you can destroy me as well as a whole world in an instant.
So why should I not tremble before you who are surely the mightiest ancestral father of all our gods, if they really should happen to exist somewhere?
Yonder pillar was already dedicated to Jupiter Stator since time immemorial. All storms and lightnings shuddered back before it in great awe.
And now even your minor Child destroys it. Now if your Child can do such, what power must be based in you?
So allow yourself to be worshiped by me a most unworthy worm of the earth!'
Here Joseph said, 'Listen, friend and brother Maronius, you are greatly mistaken!
I am no more than you, therefore only a mortal man. Now if you on your life can be silent before all the world, I will tell you something.
But if you are not silent you will not fare much better than did yonder pillar.
So then listen to me if you wish and if you can trust yourself.'
But Maronius begged Joseph on his knees to tell him nothing whatever, for he might after all let something slip accidentally and then he would be lost.
And Joseph said, 'Have no fear whatever of that, for the Lord of heaven and earth never chastises anyone for a mere accident.
So you may listen to me quite without fear; what I shall tell you will not be your undoing, but will save you eternally.'
At this Cyrenius, while worshiping the Child and still caressing Him upon his arms, went over to Joseph and said to him,
'My best and dearest friend! Leave Maronius to me, and I will prepare him today myself while he is with me, and you can then give him the higher initiation tomorrow.'
To this Joseph agreed and promptly returned to the house accompanied by the others.
