God's New Bible

The Childhood of Jesus
The Gospel of James

Biographical Gospel of the Lord

- Chapter 243 -

A Memorable Example Of Charity

WHEN THE BURNED-OUT CITIZENS arrived at the villa, Joseph soon recognized that they were the same lords who had recently been his guests, and asked them,
'Well, my greatly esteemed lords, what happened to your important business which only a little while ago caused you to hurry away so quickly?
Was it that you set your city on fire?
Or did it consist in quite another matter which has to be kept secret from me?'
At this the burned-out citizens replied, 'Dear friend of humanity, do not examine us in our misery, for you can see that we are now out-and-out beggars!
If you can assist us in any way then do so, and we will be your chattels for the rest of our lives!'
And Joseph said: 'Only Rome's mighty patricians deal in slaves and chattels;
but I deal only in brothers who are always equally my brothers, whether as lords or as beggars.
Therefore I shall also assist you as best I can.
But when you are settled on your property again, never undertake another such business as you planned to do today!
For as much as it now hurts you that your servants and slaves have robbed you so basely and set your houses on fire,
so it would have hurt me and still more, if you had done the same to me!'
Thereupon Joseph went over to Cyrenius and asked him how much should be given these unfortunates at one time.
And Cyrenius answered, 'Wait just a short time! My bearers, whom I sent aboard ship for my cash box, will soon be here.
Once I am in possession of my larger cash box, we will see how much shall be allotted to those who are already here as well as those who will arrive.'
In a short hour the messengers brought a thousand bags of gold and silver.
And each pouch, which weighed ten pounds, was a mixture of two pounds of gold and eight pounds of silver.
At this Cyrenius advised Joseph, 'You distribute these pouches among these burned-out citizens in such a manner that each receives one pouch.
Then keep the remaining pouches in custody for those who will arrive later.
But I do not want to be present at the distribution so I will not be recognized by all the people who will come here.
Therefore I shall now go with Jonathan to his home and hope to see you in the evening.'
Joseph agreed to this and promptly undertook the distribution with his sons; and Cyrenius secretly departed with all of his servants of state and with Jonathan.
